How Does Noise Mapping Work, And Why Do I Need It?


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Noise can be found around us most of the time. As a matter of fact, it’s extremely rare for us to experience total silence.

We are bombarded with different sounds from various angles most of the time. For the most part, we don’t even notice they are happening – it eventually all turns into background noise. Even the sounds we once considered disruptive and annoying can be cancelled out if you try hard enough. However, there are periods when noise and the vibrations that emanate can be dangerous to your mental and physical health, which is why noise discharges are keenly monitored and even regulated.

What Is Noise Mapping?

A noise map is a visual rendering of noise decibels in a particular place. It’s that easy! They come in the shape of a contour map, which is plated over a map of the surveyed region to show various sound levels and sources of noise. The contours are often coloured to indicate the noise intensity, low or high frequencies, and distance covered.

This gives you an easy and fast method to know where the sources of the noise are coming from and how they impact different receptors. Noise maps also enable you to evaluate noise control measures like bunds, fences/screens and different site designs.

Still, noise mapping isn’t a straightforward process. Since most environments shift on a day-to-day if not minute-by-minute basis, getting a reliable and correct reading for sounds can be hard. In dynamic settings where sources of noise can be varied, unpredictable, and intermittent, it’s integral to ascertain that they are considered in the noise map. This suggests taking multiple measurements at different times and leveraging noise prediction methods and expert software to collect the information required to create a precise noise map.

Why Do You Require A Noise Map?

Noise maps are a beneficial tool for many projects, but they are integral for many contemporary renovation and construction work. For several local authorities, noise maps are fundamental in the approval process, especially for new airports, railways, motorways, or new renovations and buildings in already developed places. Noise maps indicate that developers have taken into account the noise implications of both their construction project and of the local area on anybody in the building when it’s completed, and have laid out plans to avoid harm.

Noise maps can be extremely beneficial to evaluate the risk dangerous noise can have, especially in industries or buildings that may be more susceptible compared to others. For instance, building operating machine spaces will require noise maps to ascertain the vibrations and sounds of the machine aren’t negatively impacting the individuals in the building.

When a new development is given the go-ahead near an airport, noise maps can be used to evaluate the implications air traffic will have on the region and assist builders make informed decisions on sound-proofing measures. For industrial or commercial development, a noise map is used to project noise discharges from activities, AC units, etc. to current noise-sensitive receptors and to try out noise control techniques. If you’re experiencing excessive noise issues, you might need to understand how noise mapping works and why it’s essential. To find help, you can perform a simple Google search with something like ‘acoustic consultancy service‘.

How Do You Make A Noise Map?

Noise mapping is conducted by taking appraisals at different locations in and around a current or proposed development site. These appraisals are taken using expert equipment and are conducted over extended periods to give as much information about the area as possible. The measurement areas are chosen carefully to give expansive coverage of the place in question and can be modified throughout the course of the measurement duration if need be.